Links to Twitter resources about the IWMW 2018 event are given below.
Twitter Archives for #IWMW18
Automatically aggregated for all #IWMW18 tweet are available. See the:
Narratives Based on Twitter
See the:
- Summary for day 1, based on tweets hosted on the Wakelet service
- Summary for day 2, based on tweets hosted on the Wakelet service
Twitter Archive for Plenary Talks
Archives of tweets have been collected using the Wakelet service for the individual plenary sessions (i.e. tweets containing #iwmw18 #pn where n is 0-11):
Note that links to the Wakelet Twitter archives are included in the abstract page for each of the plenary sessions. The following table provides access to all of the Wakelet Twitter archives. Note that if you hover the cursor over the session code (e.g. over “P1” the session title will be displayed.
[P0]: [archive] | [P1]: [archive] | [P2]: [archive] | [P3]: [archive] |
[P4]: [archive] | [P5]: [archive] | [P6]: [archive] | [P7]: [archive] |
[P8]: [archive] | [P9]: [archive] | [P10]: [archive] | [PN1]: [archive] |
Twitter Archive for Workshop Sessions
As well as hashtags (#p1-#p10) which were used to identify individual talks, hashtags were also used to identify individual workshop sessions (#iwmw18 #an). Tweets for individual workshop sessions have been collected using the Wakelet service if at least 3 tweets had been published. However, as was expected, Twitter was used in only a small number of workshop sessions. The Twitter archives for such sessions and summarised below. Note that links to the Wakelet Twitter archives are included in the abstract page for each relevant workshop sessions.
[A4]: [archive] | [A5]: [archive] |
Twitter Archive for Masterclass Sessions
As well as hashtags (#p1-#p10) which were used to identify individual talks, hashtags were also used to identify individual masterclass sessions (#iwmw18 #bn). Tweets for individual masterclasses have been collected using the Wakelet service if at least 3 tweets had been published. However, as was expected, Twitter was used in only a small number of masterclasses. The Twitter archives for such sessions and summarised below. Note that links to the Wakelet Twitter archives are included in the abstract page for each relevant workshop sessions.
[B1]: [archive] | [B3]: [archive] | [B5]: [archive] |
Special Twitter Archives
A number of additional hashtag were used in combination with the #iwmw18 tag. A summary of the most wide-used ones is given below:
According to the TAGS Explorer visualisation of #IWMW18 tweets by 19 July 2018:
- The top five tweeters were CalebWoodbridge, @thisgirl32, @garious, @planetclaire and @kathusbands
- The top five hahtags used in conjunction with #iwmw18 were #p1, #p2, #p3, #p6 and #pn1
In addition the Wakelet service collected 603 tweets which were posted with the #iwmw18 hashtag from 9 to 13 July 2018.