Recordings of Plenary Talks
Video recordings of the plenary talks given at the IWMW 2018 event are now available.
Video recordings of the plenary talks given at the IWMW 2018 event are now available.
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You can now watch recordings of the plenary talks at IWMW 2018. The recordings of the individual talks were made available on 8 August 2018.
Location: University of York
Date: 11-13 July 2018
Length: 3 days
Cost (including accommodation): £400
No. of plenary talks: 11
No. of plenary speakers: 12 (plus 6 panellists and 6 lightning talk speakers)
Gender ratios: 7 M (58%) and 5 F (42%)
No. of workshop sessions: 16
No. of workshop facilitators: 19
Gender ratios: 12 M (63%) and 7 F (37%)
No. of participants: 146
Total length of sessions: 4+(3.5+3.5)+3.25=14.25 hours
Delegate contact time: 14.25*146= 2,080.5 delegate hours
Video recordings for many of the plenary talks given at IWMW 2017 are available.
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