Brian Kelly

Brian Kelly is the organiser of the IWMW 2016 event and the founder of the event which was launched in 1997. From 1996-2013 Brian worked at UKOLN, University of Bath and from 2013-2015 at Cetis, University of Bolton. Following cessation of Jisc-funding for these organisations Brian is now an independent consultant.

Brian established the IWMW (Institutional Web Management Workshop) series of events in 1997 and has been chair or co-chair of the event ever since. He established the event while worked at UKOLN, University of Bath. Although following the cessation of core funding from Jisc the sustainability of the IWMW event was uncertain, Brian has been able to ensure this popular event continues.

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Brian Kelly gave the opening and closing talks and chaired the opening session.

Neil Allison

Neil Allison is UX Manager at the University of Edinburgh Website Programme. Here he steers the evolution of the University website’s information architecture and the user experience of the corporate content management system. He provides digital strategy and UX consultancy to business units within the University and is contributing to the shaping of a digital transformation programme.

The University of Edinburgh is a large, research-led institution and a member of the Russell Group. The student body totals almost 34,000 with over 11,000 engaged in postgraduate study, supported by over 12,000 staff.

The University Website Programme began life as a project team in 2006, becoming established as a Programme two years later. Its function is to manage EdWeb, the corporate content management system (used by over 1000 staff in around 90 business units to manage over 300 websites), to promote and support best practice in website management and to facilitate the ongoing enhancement of the site in areas of cross-institutional collaboration.

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Plenary Talk and Master Class


Gareth Edwards

Gareth Edwards is a Digital Manager and Strategist at the University of Greenwich. A relative newcomer to the Higher Education sector, Gareth has spent most of his career in the publishing industry. There he was responsible for helping a number of major publishers in Britain and the US build successful websites and the cultures and teams required for them to prosper. He is now responsible for a two-year programme of work at the University of Greenwich aimed at rebuilding and rethinking the University’s online presence from the ground up. The first stage of this, a visual overhaul of the University’s existing website, was delivered ahead of schedule and to widespread user approval in December 2015.

Gareth has spoken extensively on the subject of digital change to a variety of technical and non-technical audiences at conferences and events. He has also made appearances on both radio and TV talking about design, change and user management on the railways. Most notably in relation to the importance and design impact of Johnston Sans, the London Underground’s unique typeface and on the historical importance of the Harrow & Wealdstone rail disaster for BBC’s Great British Railway Journeys series.

This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the creation of Gareth’s first website. It was about Dungeons & Dragons and Sonic the Hedgehog. He refuses to be ashamed by this!

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Plenary Talk

Gareth Edwards gave a plenary talk on “Skin Deep: Using Cosmetic Improvement to Drive Real Change” from 14.45-15.30 on Tuesday 21st June 2016.

Rich Prowse

My name is Richard Prowse, and I’m Head of Content at the University of Bath. I lead a seven-strong team responsible for For the past ten years, I’ve led on digital content efforts at top-ranking English universities. I’m co-founder of Bath’s first content meet up. I also blog and speak on the subject of Agile content development, content strategy and user experience.

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Plenary Talk and Master Class

Richard Prowse:

Gareth Saunders

Gareth Saunders is the web architect within the digital communications team at the University of St Andrews.

When he joined the team in 2006 his focus was on information architecture and front-end development. At the Scotland on Rails conference in 2008 he was introduced to Agile and had an epiphany. Gareth is now a DSDM AgilePM practitioner and business analyst and spends most of his time moving cards around Trello, writing status reports, and welcoming changing requirements, even late in development.

And if that’s not enough to be getting on with, out of office hours Gareth is warden to Agnes Blackadder Hall in St Andrews, offering pastoral care to 530 students

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Plenary Talk

Gareth Saunders gave a plenary talk on “Establishing Digital at the Heart of the University” from 10.15-10.45 on Wednesday 22nd June 2016.

Duncan Stephen

Duncan Stephen is web manager at SRUC (Scotland’s Rural College). He is a digital designer, strategist and project leader with expertise in content, user experience and front-end development.

Duncan originates, co-ordinates and manages content and the overall strategic presentation of SRUC’s main website and other digital platforms.

Prior to working at SRUC, Duncan was web editor at the University of St Andrews for six years. There he led on a significant redesign of webpages aimed at prospective students, and co-led on a major project to transform the external-facing website.

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Plenary Talk

Duncan Stephen gave a plenary talk on “Building a digital team (almost) from scratch” from 11.15-11.45 on Wednesday 22nd June 2016.

Chris Scott

Chris Scott is Managing Director at Headscape. Starting in the days before the web was invented, Chris worked for ten years at the University of Southampton’s School of Electronics and Computer Science trying to make parallel computing useful. Tempted by the bright lights, he then joined a dotcom in 2000 which then did what most dotcoms did, and consequently Chris found himself unemployed in early January 2002.

Later in January 2002 Chris was one of the founders of Headscape, along with Marcus Lillington and Paul Boag. He’s worked with many universities over the years on a wide range of projects – most recently helping with digital strategy, analytics, information architecture and prototyping.

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Plenary Talk

Chris Scott gave a plenary talk on “Prototyping the Digital University” jointly with Anja Hazebroek from 11.45-12.15 on Wednesday 22nd June 2016.

Anja Hazebroek

Anja Hazebroek is Director of Marketing & Communications at the University of Hull.

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Plenary Talk

Anja gave a plenary talk on “Prototyping the Digital University” jointly with Chris Scott from 11.45-12.15 on Wednesday 22nd June 2016.

Richard West

Richard West is the digital content and user experience manager at Jisc. He’s responsible for the UX and content strategy of Jisc’s core sites, and is helping the adoption of UX approaches across the rest of their web estate.

Previous to this he worked for UWE Bristol developing their use of social media, and rationalising and improving their e-communications.

Richard also worked as a consultant for Lancaster University Management School, advising and training North West businesses on brand and web development.

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Plenary Talk

Richard West gave a plenary talk on “Unifying a Sprawling Web Estate” from 12.15-12.45 on Thursday 22nd June 2016.

Martin Hawksey

Martin Hawksey has held advisory roles within the UK educational technology sector for a number of government funded services and is currently Chief Innovation, Community and Technology Officer at the Association for Learning Technology (ALT). In these roles Martin has supported staff in the exploration and adoption of innovative approaches to teaching and learning including the use of data and analytics in education. Martin writes extensively on Google Apps Script, a programming tool integrated into Google Drive, and is a member of Google Developer Experts community. Notable work with Google Apps Script includes the Twitter Archive Google Spreadsheet (TAGS), a project that was originally inspired by IWMW 2010.

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Plenary Talk and Master Class

Martin Hawksey:


Rob van Tol

Rob van Tol

Rob van Tol is Precedent’s leading senior strategic consultant. His focus is on matching his clients’ requirements with the needs of their customers, so that users can find what they want and his clients can achieve their goals and meet their targets. His wide sector experience of Digital Transformation, and in supporting clients in their tactical initiatives, is combined with a psychological perspective towards managing difficult organisational change.

Rob led the customer experience component and digital principles of a joint project, in partnership with the University of Aberdeen and KPMG, to develop a new Digital Strategy for the University.

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Plenary Talk and Master Class

Rob van Tol:

Piero Tintori

Piero Tintori is the CEO and founder of digital marketing & web content management company TERMINALFOUR.   Active in the higher education sector since 2001, Piero has successfully lead TERMINALFOUR as it secured its 180th University/College client and power more than 12,000 higher education websites throughout the world.  He has actively participated in more than 300 web transformation project pitches, has acted as advisor to numerous universities as they redevelop their web and digital marketing strategies and is a regular speaker at higher education conferences around the world.

A self-confessed techie, Piero is a passionate advocate for the alignment of technology and digital marketing.  The integration and amplification of back-end technologies (Student Management Systems, CRM etc.) with front-end marketing technologies (e.g. Marketing Automation) with a view to increasing online conversion, stakeholder engagement and ROI.

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Piero Tintori gave a plenary talk entitled It’s Time to Get Personal from 09.00-09.30 on Thursday 23rd June.

Mandy Phillips

Mandy Phillips is the Head of Corporate Business Change Initiatives at Liverpool John Moores University and leads the Digital Services team and the Business Systems team as well as various consulting partners, project managers and supporting roles in relation to specific projects.

Mandy has always had a keen interest in the interwebs, lecturing for a period in Hypertext and Hypermedia and Intranet design and management. An early adopter of technologies, Mandy is interested in joining systems up, exploring how we make the digital student journey the best it can be and supporting her teams to be the best they can be.  A keen supporter of women in technology, she founded Widgit – Women in Digital and IT in 2013, a network for like-minded women to network and give back to the tech community.

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Plenary Talk

Mandy gave a plenary talk on “Working With External Partners” with Mark Simpson, Mando from 09.30-10.00 on Thursday 23rd June 2016.

Marieke Guy

Marieke Guy is a data analyst at the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. Prior to this she spent two years working on open education and data projects at Open Knowledge. Marieke was co-chair of IWMW for a number of years while working at UKOLN at the University of Bath. She used to blog about remote working but has given that up now she spends her days in a real office. You can read more about her various roles managing digital information on her website.

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Plenary Talk

Marieke Guy gave a plenary talk on “Right Here; Right Now: Providing the Information your Students Need and your Regulator Requires” from 10.00-10.30 on Thursday 23rd June 2016.

Matt Jukes

The majority of Matt Jukes‘s 15 year career has been spent managing digital teams in the space where research and government meet. This has included being the first Web Manager at the Economic and Social Research Council, responsibility for digital at Jisc, working with the Higher Education Funding Council for England, time at the Medical Research Council overhauling their online offerings and most now the ONS to undertake the ambitious project of trying to retrieve the reputation of their website.

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Plenary Talk

Matt Jukes gave a plenary talk on “When your website is a ‘national embarrassment‘ the only way is up” from 11.15-12.00 on Thursday 23rd June 2016.

Duncan Ireland

Duncan Ireland is Web Manager at the University of the Highlands and Islands.

Duncan is responsible for leading a small team delivering the institutional website, social media and digital advertising. They also provide a shared service, running 11 of the university’s 13 partner college websites on a common design and technology platform.

Contact Details

  • Email:
  • Institutional web site:

Master Class

Duncan facilitated a master class entitled “IWMW in Miniature” from 14.45-17.30 on Wednesday 22nd June 2016.

Tom Natt

Tom Natt is a developer in the University of Bath’s Digital team where he speaks regularly on topics from security to content modelling. The team’s current content modelling process was based on his work on the techniques for communicating models between editors and the programmers implementing their models.

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Master Class

Tom Natt co-facilitated a master class session on “Future-proof Your Content Using an Adaptive Approach” from 14.45-17.30 on Wednesday 22nd June.

Marianne Kay

Marianne Kay is an experienced content management strategist and Web CMS consultant who helps large organisations choose the right Content Management System and live happily ever after.

Marianne offers guidance and advice in areas such as technology selection, digital agency selection, requirements gathering, writing a business case, scoping, governance, internal politics, negotiations with vendors and service providers.

She speaks at industry events on Web Content Management, Digital Agency selection, RFP process and Web Design.

Her current research project is on the State of Web Content Management in Higher Education.

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Master Class

Marianne Kay facilitated a master class on “Digital Governance: Tools and Practices for Managing the Content Chaos” from 14.45-17.30 on Wednesday 22nd June 2016.

Stephen Evans

Stephen Evans is the web manager at the University of St Andrews. His role includes being team leader for the digital communications team tasked with simplifying, standardising and consolidating the University of St Andrews digital assets.

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Stephen Evans facilitated a workshop session on “Digital Fire Fighting” from 16.00-17.30 on Tuesday 21st June 2016.

Bruce Darby

Bruce Darby is a project manager for the University Website Programme at the University of Edinburgh. The last 3 years have been spent working as Product Owner to build a new Content Management System and migrate over all content from the old CMS. He also advises on legislation including web accessibility, online privacy and liaises closely with the university Records Management.

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Bruce Darby co-facilitated a workshop session on “Migrating People to a New CMS” with Rachel Bhandari and Billy Wardrop from 16.00-17.30 on Tuesday 21st June 2016.

Rachel Bhandari

Rachel Bhandari is an Editorial Officer with the University of Edinburgh’s Website Programme team. As a content professional, she works with University Schools and units to support content management and development, working to embed user-centred and writing for the web best practice principles among the University’s web publishing community.

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Rachel Bhandari co-facilitated a workshop session on “Migrating People to a New CMS” with Bruce Darby and Billy Wardrop  from 16.00-17.30 on Tuesday 21st June 2016.

Ian St John

Ian St John is the Web Services Manager at University of St Mark & St John.

His role includes the technical support and maintenance of the University website incorporating the server backend infrastructure and our Content Management System – Terminal Four SiteManager. Ian creates technical solutions and tools within SiteManager which enable the population of content on the website by University staff without them needing to have web skills. He also trains staff on the use of SiteManager. Ian advises the University on website accessibility and usability and make sure the website conforms to W3C standards. When new web designs are required, he liaise on behalf of the University with third party contractors and Terminal Four on the creation and successful deployment of new designs into our system.

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Ian St John facilitated a workshop session on “10 years of a Web Team of One: the Lessons Learnt” from 16.00-17.30 on Tuesday 21st June 2016.

Claire Gibbons

Claire Gibbons manages a small, but perfectly formed, team of web and digital professionals, as well as an even smaller Print Publications Team. Claire has overall responsibility for the University of Bradford’s web presence and printed materials and has been involved in IWMW since her very first conference in 2000, where the millennium bug failed to bite! Claire’s general mantra in life is ‘user first’ especially across all aspects of the student journey, and has presented and run workshops at many past IWMW events as well as been a member of the Advisory Group in 2015.

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Claire facilitated a workshop session on “Leadership 101 – Top Tips for Steering the Ship Through the Seas of Change” from 16.00-17.30 on Tuesday 21st June 2016.

Gordon Grace

Gordon Grace is the regional manager of Funnelback UK, overseeing sales, partner engagement, implementations, training, support and pre- and post-sales offerings. He has broad experience in web technologies, client training and project management.

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Workshop Session

Gordon Grace facilitated a workshop session on “Real-world Natural Language Processing for Higher Education which took place from 16.00-17.30 on Tuesday 21st June 2016.

Billy Wardrop

Billy Wardrop is a CMS Service Support Officer in the University of Edinburgh’s Website Programme team. He is responsible for providing technical expertise and support for current operations, EdWeb CMS (The University of Edinburgh’s Drupal based CMS) and related services. As well as providing user support, Billy provides solid technical advice on existing projects, as well as researching possible enhancements or upgrades. His interaction with EdWeb CMS users means he can understand their needs, and he takes initiative in researching possible developments that might prove useful in the future.

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Billy Wardrop co-facilitated a workshop session on “Migrating People to a New CMS” with Bruce Darby and Rachel Bhandari from 16.00-17.30 on Tuesday 21st June 2016.

Miao He

Miao He

As the Digital Editor for Internationalisation at the University of Bath, Dr Miao He is responsible for supporting and delivering the University’s International Strategy via planning, creating and producing digital products and content. Prior to joining the University, Miao has split her time in Asia, North America and Europe as an international public relations professional.

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Workshop Session

Dr Miao He facilitated a workshop session on “Design a Content Strategy to Optimise Engagement With International Users” which took place from 16.00-17.30 on Tuesday 21st June 2016.

Vicky Hayhurst

Vicky Hayhurst worked in university external relations for ten years in senior roles before joining Revolution Viewing as their Commercial Director in January 2015. Her university background is helpful in guiding her main responsibility at Revolution Viewing, which is to ensure that the company delivers digital solutions that meet the needs of their university clients as well as their audiences. In the past year, Vicky has met with 67 universities all over the UK to advise universities on how best to use rich media solutions to support student recruitment activity and to deliver the research presentation described in the abstract.

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Vicky Hayhurst facilitated a workshop session on “Rich Media Content: How to Maximise User Impact” which took place from 16.00-17.30 on Tuesday 21st June 2016.

Jon Bird

Jon Bird heads up Enterprise Sales and Strategic partnerships for WP Engine in EMEA. With 10 years’ experience working in the Internet industry for SaaS startups. Jon has been part of 2 IPOs from startup stage to public listing. A career spanning eCommerce, Social Media and Voice of Customer Analytics. Now with WP Engine, WP Engine is a WordPress fully managed host working with nearly 50,000 customers. Recently Jon worked with the Office of the Prime Minister to host the EU Referendum website on WordPress.

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Jon Bird facilitated a workshop session on “Debunking the Myths of WordPress & External Hosting” from 16.00-17.30 on Tuesday 21st June.

Zach Beauvais

Zach Beauvais, Head of Content & Communities at Zengenti, is a content strategist who likes to help people tell their stories. He came from the world of the web – writing for technology blogs like ReadWriteWeb and ZDNet. To satisfy his passion for words, he studied linguistics at Kings College London. He spent several years editing the publication for the semantic web: Nodalities Magazine.

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Master Class

Zach Beauvais co-facilitated a master class session with Ryan Bromley on “Writing Well for the Web” from 14.45-17.30 on Wednesday 22nd June.

Ryan Bromley

Ryan Bromley, Digital Marketing Executive at Zengenti. From a young age Ryan realised he enjoyed two things – reading other people’s stories and writing his own. Ryan studied English at university, before enrolling on a master’s degree in creative writing. After graduating with a distinction, Ryan travelled around Europe before joining the theatre – which is a bit like joining the circus, only less dangerous. Following several years working in the arts he joined Zengenti last year. Much to Zach’s chagrin, Ryan is a great admirer of Ernest Hemingway.

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Master Class

Ryan Bromley co-facilitated a master class session with Zach Beauvais on “Writing Well for the Web” from 14.45-17.30 on Wednesday 22nd June.