About The Workshop
On 6 January 2006 the following message was sent to the website-info-mgt list:
This year’s Institutional Web Management Workshop will be held at the University of Bath on Wednesday 14 – Friday 16th June 2006.
The theme of this year’s workshop is ‘Quality Matters’
The call for speakers and workshop facilitators is now open. We particularly welcome ideas related to this theme – e.g. usability; accessibility; how we are ensuring the provision of quality Web services; the concept of added value; quality from a marketing angle; use of quality assurance and quality control within the Web community; measuring quality; auditing; etc. although other aspects related to the provision of institutional Web services are also welcomed.
Programme Committee
Members of the Programme Committee are responsible for the content of the workshop. The committee members represent a cross-section of the Web management community.
- Marieke Guy, UKOLN (Chair of Programme Committee)
- Stephen Emmott, Head of Web Services at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
- Matt Jukes, Production Manager for the JISC Communications and Marketing team.
- Carolyne Smart, Web Team leader, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
- Jeremy Speller, Head of Web Services, University College London (UCL)
Brian Kelly also supported the Programme Committee.
The sponsors for the IWMW 2006 event were:
- Nedstats (Gold sponsor)
- TERMINALFOUR (Silver Sponsors)
- Eduserv (Bronze Sponsor)
- DADENLIMITED (commercial sponsor)
- Netskills (academic sponsor)