About The Workshop
The 5th Institutional Web Management Workshop took place at Queen’s University Belfast on 25-27 June 2001.
The workshop covered a range of topics of interest to members of Web management teams in Higher and Further Education Institutes, including multimedia, dynamic content, personalisation, Web design, e-business, Web strategies and general management issues.
The format of the workshop consisted of a mixture of presentations, discussion groups, demonstrations and hands-on sessions. The majority of the speakers were experienced Web practitioners from the Higher and Further Education communities, who are aware of the issues and concerns involved in institutional web management.
A workshop report on the event was published in Ariadne issue 29.
Organising Committee
The organising committee consisted of:
- Brian Kelly, UKOLN
- Andrew Aird, King’s College, London
- Helen Varley Sargan, University of Cambridge
- Paul Browning, University of Bristol
- Ricky Rankin, Queen University Belfast
Netskills Workshop
A one day workshop entitled ‘Exploring XML’ was held at Queen’s University, Belfast on Thursday 28 June after the IWMW 2001 event.