About The Workshop

An announcement was published on the UK Web Focus blog on 28 November 2012:

The annual IWMW event has taken place in Bath previously: IWMW 2000 and IWMW 2006. We know that participants welcome the opportunity to visit our beautiful city, which has been a World Heritage Site since 1987. The combination of Georgian architecture and Roman remains make Bath a city well-worth revisiting. We have already booked the Roman Baths for the IWMW 2013 reception which promises to provide a memorable occasion for all participants.The theme of IWMW 2013 is “What Next?“. This will provide participants with an opportunity to consider the challenges facing the higher education sector in light of the economic downturn, and also the opportunities provided by the continuing technical developments we see in our online networked environment. The final session at the event will provide an opportunity to reflect on the challenges which lie ahead and strategies for addressing those challenges.

The call for submissions is now open. We welcome proposals for plenary talks, workshop sessions and other ideas you may have (for example, it might be timely to revisit the debates which took place in 2002, 2003 and 2006).


The IWMW 2013 event sponsors were:

  • TERMINALFOUR: sponsors of badges and lanyards
  • Headscape: co-sponsors of a UKOLN/IWMW party
  • Statistics into Decisions (SiD): co-sponsors of a UKOLN/IWMW party
  • Siteimprove: had an exhibition stand
  • Squiz: had an exhibition stand

The sponsoring consultants for IWMW 2013 were:

  • Kirsty and Rich Pitkin, Event Amplifier (TConsult Ltd)
  • Owen Stephens Consulting
  • Lisa Jeskins Training

The University of Bath was the academic sponsor for IWMW 2013.

Technologies Used

The following technologies were used to enrich the experience for event participants :

  • As described in a blog post entitled This Year’s Experiment at #IWMW13 – the Bizzabo Mobile Event App the Bizzabo app is being used to provide a mobile-friendly programme and communications environment for the event.
  • As described in a blog post which asked Why Would You Not Use #Lanyrd For Your Event?  the Lanyrd service was used to provide a calendar of the sessions; a mobile-friendly version of the event information; a social network based on your Twitter ID, so that you can see which of your followers are attending the events – and other events they have attended and a means of recording your participation at previous IWMW events.

Workshop Content

Plenary Talks

The following plenary talks were given:

  1. Open Education: The Business & Policy Case for OER
  2. Mozilla, Open Badges and a Learning Standard for Web Literacy
  3. Et tu MOOC? Massive Online Considerations
  4. Turning our Attention to Supporting Research
  5. Stop Trying to Avoid Losing & Start Winning: How BS 8878 Reframes the Accessibility Question
  6. Adapting to Responsive Web Design
  7. The Inside-Out University
  8. Working With Developers
  9. 9am, 16th August, 2012: “What the fcuk just happened then?”
  10. Institutional Culture Is Crippling Your Web Strategy!
  11. IWMW and the birth of a Content Strategist
  12. The University in a Bind
  13. The Delicious Discomfort Of Not Knowing: How to Lead Effectively Through Uncertainty

In addition Brian Kelly gave the Welcome to the Event and Event Conclusions talks.

Parallel Sessions

Parallel session A:

  1. Digital Storytelling
  2. Analytics – What is Changing and Why Does it Matter?
  3. How Responsive Do You Want Your Website?
  4. The Institutional Web Site and the Institutional Repository: Addressing Challenges of Integration
  5. Living in Uncertain Times… or How to Become More Resilient
  6. Interfacing Google Analytics with Google Sheets for Primary and Secondary Data Analysis
  7. WordPress Beyond Blogging
  8. Technical Project Management: Top Tips for Our Times
  9. Connections, Connecting, Connected

Parallel session B:

  1. A Practical Guide to Delivering Content Strategy in the UK
  2. Open Up: Open Data in the Public Sector
  3. Managing Your Professional Online Reputation
  4. Creating a Multimedia CV or Project Summary
  5. Adventures with Augmented Reality
  6. Save Money and Make Things Better with Linked Open Data
  7. Getting the Best out of Consultants
  8. Institutional Use of Social Media Services [BoF session]
  9. IWMW: The Digital Story
  10. Are We Too Easily Distracted by Shiny Objects?

Video Interviews

The following video interviews were published:

  • The Value of IWMW (4 minute long video with contributions from Cable Green, Doug Belshaw, Cameron Neylon, Martin Hamilton, Amber Thomas, David Cornforth, Colin Work, Dai Griffiths, Helen Sargan and Janet McKnight)
  • The Future of IWMW (4 minute long video with contributions from Cameron Neylon, Ranjit Sidhu, Laura Murphy, Mark Power and Brian Kelly)
  • IWMW Sponsors (2 minute long interview with Ranjit Sidhu and Laura Murphy)
  • Highlights of IWMW 2013 (6 minute long video with contributions from Cable Green, Cameron Neylon, Ranjit Sidhu, Amber Thomas, David Cornforth, Colin Work, Helen Sargan, Janet McKnight and Martin Hamilton)


Comments on the event included:

  • Brilliant topics, presenter, fantastic balance
  • A very good conference with better content than last year.
  • Good range of speakers with some inspirational talks. Great to see speakers referencing each other, made the sessions more meaningful and helped with contextualizing concepts. Important to include a range of speakers from across the industry as well as from other sectors. it will be a huge loss if this is the last IWMW.
  • Thought there were some interesting discussions about being open. Learning and Teaching aren’t really my area, but big discussions about the future were intriguing. I would have liked a bit more tactical advice on how to put things into practice.
  • Everyone gets enthused and inspired, but the devil might be in the how. Maybe a theme for next time? ‘How to get things done’
  • Yet another well thought out, varied, and interesting Workshop. Thank you to everyone who helped to make the event possible. And please, please, find a sponsor, so that this event can continue. It would be so sad if this was the last IWMW ever.


Future IWMW Events

The IWMW 2013 event was held shortly befiore the cessation of core funding for UKOLN.

In a survey which asked “Is there still a need for an IWMW event?” 76% of the responses felt hat the event should continue in current format and the remaining responses felt that the event should continue but should change its format. None of the respondents felt that the event was no longer needed.

Event Summary

Location: University of Bath

Date: 26-28 June 2013

Length: 3 days

Cost (including 2 nights accommodation): £350

No. of plenary talks: 13

No. of plenary speakers: 13

Gender ratios: 11 M (85%) and 2 F (15%)

No. of workshop sessions: 18

No. of workshop facilitators: 26

Gender ratios: 16 M (62%) and 10 F (38%)

No. of participants:  150

Total length of sessions: (2.0+3.5)+(3.5+3.5)+3.5=16.0 hours

Delegate contact time: 16.0*150= 2,400 delegate hours

Evaluation: 4.4 out of 5 (content) and 4.7 out of 5 (organisation).