Brian KellyLiverpool city centreAudience at IWMW 2012iwmw15-wordle-job-title

About IWMW

IWMW, the Institutional Web Management Workshop, is the premier event for the UK's higher educational web management community.

The annual 3-day event provides opportunities for those with responsibilities for managing institutional web services and related digital channels to learn from case studies, hear about innovative approaches and share and discuss challenges in managing institutional web services.

The event attracts core members of institutional Web teams such as developers, designers, content creators and managers. This year the event will also seek to attract policy makers and senior managers with responsibilities for facilitating organisational change.

Key features of IWMW events include:

  • Opportunity to hear case studies from other university web teams
  • Contributions from others outside the higher education sector
  • Workshops which enable all participants to discuss topics of interest
  • Social events which provide opportunities to chat to peers and develop professional networks


The cost for attendance at IWMW 2016 was £275 which covers entrance for the 3 days, lunch, tea and the conference dinner at the Merseyside Maritime Museum. Note that due to limited university accommodation the price does not include accommodation. However there are many hotels available in Liverpool, near the conference location.

We are pleased that the price was down on last year's event (which cost £300 for those requiring no accommodation).

About IWMW 2016

The IWMW 2016 was held at Liverpool John Moores University on 21-23 June 2016. The theme was "Understanding Users; Managing Change; Delivering Services".

The event was a special occasion, being the 20th in the series! We provided a special social event for delegates this year to commemorate 20 years of the UK's institutional web management community. This event is the longest-running event for university web teams around the world!


The image of Liverpool on the home page is taken from Wikipedia. Other images on this web site have been taken by members of the IWMW community.

Workshop content

Plenary Talks

The following plenary talks were given:

  1. Requirements Are Hypotheses: How Lean UX Can Help You Develop Better Products
  2. Skin Deep: Using Cosmetic Improvement to Drive Real Change
  3. Managing Change: Leading Horses to Water
  4. Building a New University Website – an Agile Content Case Study
  5. Establishing Digital at the Heart of the University
  6. Building a digital team (almost) from scratch
  7. Prototyping the Digital University
  8. 100 to 1(ish) – Unifying a Sprawling Web Estate
  9. The Google Analytics of Things
  10. It’s Time to Get Personal
  11. Working With External Partners
  12. Right Here; Right Now: Providing the Information your Students Need and your Regulator Requires
  13. When your website is a ‘national embarrassment’ the only way is up
  14. Learning From the Past; Looking to the Future


Workshop sessions:

Masterclass sessions:

What’s new At IWMW 2016?

For most of its existence the IWMW event was provided by UKOLN, a JISC-funded organisation. The event helped to support JISC’s development programmes, with many speakers describing their JISC project work. Since the cessation of JISC funding in 2013 the IWMW event has been re-launched. In its new guise the event is more directly related to the needs of the web management community.

This year saw the 20th anniversary of the event. To mark this occasion a special conference dinner was held at the Merseyside Maritime Museum.

Event Summary

Location: Liverpool John Moores University

Date: 21-23 June 2016

Length: 3 days

Cost (no accommodation): £275

No. of plenary talks: 13

No. of plenary speakers: 15

Gender ratios: 12 M (80%) and 3 F (20%)

No. of workshop sessions: 16

No. of workshop facilitators: 20

Gender ratios: 15 M (75%) and 5 F (15%)

No. of participants: 133

Total length of sessions: 3.75+(3.5+3.5)+4.0=14.75 hours

Delegate contact time: 14.75*133= 1,961.75 delegate hours

Evaluation: 4.4 out of 5 (content) and 4.5 out of 5 (organisation).