IWMW 2019, the 23rd annual Institutional Web Management Workshop, will take place at the University of Greenwich on 25-27 June 2019.
We have set up the advisory group for the event and held our first online meeting (we use Slack, btw). We have agreed on the theme for the event: Times They Are A-Changin’! We have also analysed the feedback from the IWMW 2018 event and published posts on the IWMW blog based on the analyses including “IWMW 2018: Participants’ Feedback“, “IWMW 2018: Feedback on the Plenary Talks“, “IWMW 2018: Feedback for the Workshops and Masterclasses” and “IWMW 2018: Feedback on the Social Activities“. We are now looking for further feedback from the community on:
- Topics you would like to see addressed at the event
- The format of the event
Yesterday we published a post on “The Different Types of Sessions Held at IWMW Events” in which we reviewed the various types of sessions we h have held over the past 22 years, which, in addition to plenary talks and workshop sessions, have included panel sessions, debates, discussion groups, regional group meetings, briefing sessions, vendor presentations, barcamps, hack-a-thons and – the most recent successful innovation – lightning talks.
In order to explore options for next year’s event in more detail later today we will be hosting a “Slackchat” meeting on the HE Digital Slack group. For those who are new to Slack it appears to have replaced the website-info-mgt and web-support Jiscmail lists as the main communication channels for discussions, seeking advice and sharing thoughts and ideas with one’s peers. If you are not yet signed up to the HE Digital Slack group further information is available on the IWMW blog.
Hope to see you later!