IWMW 2018, the annual institutional Web Management Workshop, takes place at the University of York on 11-13 July. We’re pleased to report that the event is fully subscribed with 149 delegates expected.
This Year’s Event Amplification Service
If you couldn’t make it to the event, don’t worry: we are pleased that, thanks to the support of the event sponsors, we will be providing an event amplification service, delivered, once again, by Kirsty and Rich Pitkin. As described on their Event Amplifier site Kirsty and Rich provide live video streaming, post-production video editing and live Twitter commentaries. As at several IWMW events these services will again be provided to enable members of institutional web and digital teams to view the plenary talks as they are given, and to take part in discussions about the talks which often take place on Twitter.
Use of Twitter
Note that in order to make it easier to follow conversation on Twitter, we will be encouraging delegates to make use of session specific hashtags (#p1 – #p10) as well as the event hashtag (#iwmw18). Session-specific hashtags are also suggested for the various parallel sessions – and these can be particularly value in differentiating comments made at the same time: the comment “this speaker is best ever at #iwmw18!” could be about any of the 8 parallel workshop sessions if made between 16.15 and 17.45 on Wednesday 11 July!
We will also encourage members of the remote audience to ask questions. Questions asked during the talks may be answered by those who are physically present at the event. In addition we may also repeat any questions posed at the end of talks and invite the speaker to respond: although note that the Q&A session at the end of talks is likely to be short, so we can’t guarantee that all questions will be put to the speaker.
The Live Video Streaming
The live video stream will be available from the IWMW 2018’s Watch-Live page.
It order to check the time of plenary talks you have an interest in you should check the timing given in the IWMW 2018 Timetable.
Recordings of the Plenary Talks
It will probably take a couple of weeks for the live recordings to be processed and split into recordings for the individual talks. However in the meantime you will be able to watch recordings of the half-day sessions.
And in order to whet your appetite, you may wish to watch recordings of the plenary talks from IWMW 2017, either from the individual talk pages (see the links from the IWMW 2017 Videos page) or from the IWMW Event YouTube channel.