About The Workshop
The 4th Institutional Web Management Workshop took place at the University of Bath from 6-8 September 2000.
Note that a workshop report was published in Ariadne issue 25.
The Workshop covered a range of topics of interest to members of Web management teams including multimedia, dynamic content, personalisation, Web design, e-business, Web strategies and general management issues.
The format of the Workshop consisted of a mixture of presentations, discussion groups, demonstrations and hands-on sessions. The majority of the speakers were experienced web practitioners from the Higher Education community, who are aware of the issues and concerns of this community.
Social Events
Two social events were organised for the Institutional Web Workshop:
Open Top Tour of Bath and Reception at Victoria Gallery
A tour in an open top bus of the sights of Bath, followed by a reception at the Victoria Gallery.
A barbecue was followed by a ceilidh – with a late bar!
Exhibition and Report Back
An exhibition took place on the final morning, from 09.00-11.00. After the coffee break in a session running from 11.30-12.15 reports were given on the parallel sessions.