About The Workshop

The 4th Institutional Web Management Workshop took place at the University of Bath from 6-8 September 2000.

Note that a workshop report was published in Ariadne issue 25.

The Royal Crescent, BathThe Workshop covered a range of topics of interest to members of Web management teams including multimedia, dynamic content, personalisation, Web design, e-business, Web strategies and general management issues.

The format of the Workshop consisted of a mixture of presentations, discussion groups, demonstrations and hands-on sessions. The majority of the speakers were experienced web practitioners from the Higher Education community, who are aware of the issues and concerns of this community.

Social Events

Two social events were organised for the Institutional Web Workshop:

Wednesday 6 September 2000
Open Top Tour of Bath and Reception at Victoria Gallery
A tour in an open top bus of the sights of Bath, followed by a reception at the Victoria Gallery.
Thursday 7 September 2000
A barbecue was followed by a ceilidh – with a late bar!

Exhibition and Report Back

An exhibition took place on the final morning, from 09.00-11.00. After the coffee break in a session running from 11.30-12.15  reports were given on the parallel sessions.

Workshop Sessions

The following topics were covered at the workshop.

Plenary Talks

The following plenary talks were given:

  1. e-Learning DevelopmentsJohn Slater
  2. HERO, Chris Harris
  3. From Shredded Trees To Mobile Phones, The Awful Truth About Digital Convergence!, Andy Price
  4. The Personalised University, Cliff Sanders
  5. Town and Gown: Finding Common Ground on the Web, Mary Rowlatt
  6. Self-Evident Applications for Universities, Greg Smart
  7. A Controversial Proposal, Brian Kelly
  8. The WEB and the GRID: Science and Society, Professor Ian Halliday
  9. Newcastle Case Study, Tony McDonald
  10. Out to Tender: Commissioning A Web Site, Martin Belcher
  11. Security and Authentication Issues – Where Are We Heading?, Alan Robiette


The following parallel workshop sessions were held. Note that one set of parallel sessions (set A1-A4) lasted for 3.5 hours whilst another set ran for 1.75 hours (B1-B2 and C1-C2). Delegates could attend one of the first set or two of the second.

Parallel sessions A:

  1. Content Management Systems
    Facilitators: Paul Browning & Mike Lowndes
  2. The Joined-Up Web
    Facilitators: Greg Newton-Ingham, Justine Kitchen & Pete Cliff
  3. Implementing E-Learning Using A Virtual Learning Environment
    Facilitators: Mark Stiles
  4. Selling Mugs to Masters’
    Facilitator: Andrew Aird

Parallel sessions B:

  1. Working With Hero
    Facilitator: Brian Kelly
  2. Anarchy versus Control in Web Site Management
    Facilitator: Malcolm Raggett

Parallel sessions C:

  1. Automated News Feeds
    Facilitator: Andy Powell
  2. “Princes, Paupers and Progress” – Resourcing Your Web Site
    Facilitator: Miles Banbery


Brian Kelly published a report on the “Institutional Web Management Workshop: The Joined-Up Web” event in the Ariadne ejournal, issue 25, 24 September 2000.

The article began with a brief summary of feedback received about the event:

  • One of the best workshops I’ve ever been at
  • Excellent! One of the best workshops I’ve ever been at
  • I return because it is by far the best way for me to find out what I need to do in the coming year at my site
  • The workshop gets better every year and I never fail to learn something new.
  • A good mixture of web/techie people and communications/PR people. Important to have both for this type of event

As can be seen from the quotes given above the Institutional Web Management Workshop was very highly regarded by the workshop delegates.

The article went on to review the event.

Event Summary

Location: University of Bath

Date: 6-8 September 2000

Length: 3 days

Cost (including 2 night accommodation): £245

No. of plenary talks: 11

No. of plenary speakers: 11

Gender ratios: 10 M (91%) and 1 F (9%)

No. of workshop sessions: 8

No. of workshop facilitators: 13

Gender ratios: 11 M (85%) and 2 F (16%)

No. of participants: 128

Total length of sessions: 4+(3.75+3.5)+3.5=10.75 hours

Delegate contact time: 10.75*128 = 1,376 delegate hours

Special features: Bus tour of Bath and reception in Victoria Gallery on first evening and barbecue and ceilidh on second evening.

Also note this was the last event to be held in September – subsequent events were held in June or July.