
Time Day 1 (Wed 6 Sept 2000) Day 2 (Thur 7 Sept 2000) Day 3 (Fri 8 Sept 2000)
08.00-08.45 Breakfast (Choices Restaurant) Breakfast
09.00 Introduction Exhibition including demos, posters and commercial exhibitors
09.15-9.45 Self-Evident Applications for Universities Greg Smart
9.45-10.15 A Controversial Proposal Brian Kelly
10.15-10.45 The WEB and the GRID: Science and Society Professor Ian Halliday
10.45-11.15 Tea Tea (11.00-11.30)
11.15-11.45 Registration in 2E Foyer Newcastle Case Study Tony McDonald Report Back from parallel sessions (11.30-12.15)
11.45-12.15 Out to Tender: Commissioning A Web Site Martin Belcher
12.15-12.45 Lunch (from 12.00) Security and Authentication Issues – Where Are We Heading? Alan Robiette Workshop Review & Conclusions
12.45-1.30 Plans for the Parallel Sessions Brian Kelly followed by
1.30-2.00 Welcome Liz Lyon
and Brian Kelly
2.00-2.30 e-Learning Developments John Slater Parallel Sessions:
Half Day (Choose 1)

  1. Content Management Systems Facilitators: Paul Browning & Mike Lowndes
  2. The Joined-Up Web Facilitators: Greg Newton-Ingham, Justine Kitchen & Pete Cliff
  3. Implementing E-Learning Using A Virtual Learning Environment Facilitators: Facilitator: Mark Stiles
  4. Selling Mugs to Masters’ Facilitator: Andrew Aird

Quarter Day 2.00-3.30 (Choose 1)

  1. Working With Hero Facilitator: Brian Kelly
  2. Anarchy versus Control in Web Site Management Facilitator: Malcolm Raggett

Quarter Day 4.00-5.30 (Choose 1)

  1. Automated News Feeds  Facilitator: Andy Powell
  2. “Princes, Paupers and Progress” – Resourcing Your Web Site  Facilitator: Miles Banbery
2.30-3.00 HERO Chris Harris
3.00-3.30 Tea
3.30-4.00 From Shredded Trees To Mobile Phones, The Awful Truth About Digital Convergence! Andy Price
4.00-4.30 The Personalised University Cliff Sanders
4.30-5.00 Town and Gown: Finding Common Ground on the Web Mary Rowlatt
5.00-5.30 Announcements
5.30-6.30 Check in Free Time
6.30-7.30 Open Top Bus
7.30-8.30 Welcome Reception in Victoria Gallery Barbecue (7.30-8.30)
8.30-12.00 Free time (note that an evening meal is not included in the workshop fee). Ceilidh with late bar (8.30-12.00)