Biographical details of the speakers and workshop facilitators at IWMW 2000 are given below.
Plenary Speakers
John Slater is a part of the Generic Learning and Teaching Centre and the Technology Integration Centre in the Learning and Teaching Support Network. His past includes being a JISC member, a Computer Board Member, and a number of relevant L&T Initiatives. He was the PVC for Learning and Teaching at Kent and is a member of the E-University Steering Group.
John gave a talk on “e-Learning Developments” (P1).
Christopher Harris is Executive Director of HERO. He has been seconded from Newcastle University for a period of 3 years to undertake this task. At Newcastle he was Director of Communications and Public Affairs, which included responsibility for NUInfo, the University’s Internet service.
Chris gave a talk on “HERO” (P2).
Andy Price has been the Head of Corporate Communications at the University of Teesside for 18 months. He spent two years as Head of New Media at North East Evening Gazette, seven years as a Marketing and Business development consultant. Andy has had a varied career in both the private and public sector and have spent almost half his working life self employed. His main discipline is Marketing, but he has increasingly been involved in developments in new media and digital imaging. He has worked on early on-line ‘business to business’ developments in the music industry as well as managing a very early international on-line digital photography event in 1995. Subsequently he put local newspapers on-line, created local community portals, put Premiership footballs clubs in cyberspace and created national business databases as well as being directly involved in a wide variety of other on-line initiatives. In the past he has been the managing director of a graphics company, a community development worker, a language teacher in Spain and has helped establish a community circus, so he feels ideally suited to life on the web!
Andy gave a talk on “From Shredded Trees To Mobile Phones, The Awful Truth About Digital Convergence!” (P3).
Cliff Sanders is Projects Manager for the Online Group, part of the University of Ulster’s department of External Affairs. His duties include advising client departments on corporate Internet strategy and the overall development of the institution’s web presence.
Cliff began his employment career as a land surveyor and became increasingly involved in the use of IT for survey processing in the late 1980s. To further this interest, Cliff enrolled on the University of Ulster’s BSc Hons Computing Science degree and graduated in 1998. On graduation, Cliff joined the Online Group and was promoted to his current position of Projects manager in June 2000.
Cliff gave a talk on “The Personalised University” (P4).
Mary Rowlatt is currently Information Services Manager with Essex Libraries where she is responsible for the development and delivery of information services to the public. In October she will move to a new post as Community Information Network Co-ordinator for the County Council.
She is joint editor for the Essex County Council website, Project leader for the LIC funded Seamless project, Project Director for the DGV funded ISTAR project, and Essex Co-ordinator for the DGXIII funded ONE-2 Project. She is a Member of the Interoperability Focus Advisory Group, the European Public Information Centres (EPIC) National Steering Group, and chairs the EARL European Task Group which developed euroguide.
Mary gave a talk on “Town and Gown: Finding Common Ground on the Web” (P5).
Greg Smart is the Development Manager at the University of Bath, and is responsible for the University’s Management Information Systems, having previously worked on implementing and supporting the University’s Finance System, Lawson. Greg has helped to ensure that the University plays a leading role in utilising Lawson’s tools for web deployment. He has worked in IT for over ten years and in HE for four, and has particular interests in the way people use computers and how their jobs are affected by changing technology.
Greg gave a talk on “Self-Evident Applications for Universities” (P6).
Brian Kelly is UK Web Focus – a JISC-funded post which provides advice for the UK Higher and Further Education communities on Web developments.
Brian gave a talk on “A Controversial Proposal” (P7).
Professor Ian Halliday‘s CV includes:
- Instructor, Princeton University 1964-66.
- Fellow Christ’s College, Cambridge 1966-67.
- Lectureship 1967-75, Reader 75-90, Professor 90-92, Imperial College, University of London.
- Professor of Physics and Head of Department, University of Wales, Swansea since 1992, Dean of Graduate School 93-96 (on leave of absence).
- Chief Executive, Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council since 1998.
Ian gave a talk on “The WEB and the GRID: Science and Society” (P8).
Dr Tony McDonald is TLTP officer at the Faculty of Medicine Computing Centre in the Medical School at the University of Newcastle. In this position he has been involved in the development and implementation of the Networked Learning Environment and its deployment at the consortium sites. Whilst developing this system, a lot of additional work was done on XML.
Before joining the FMCC, Tony worked at Netskills on the DESIRE project and, further back, was the Macintosh systems advisor at the University of Newcastle Computing Service.
His current interests are in website communication (XML-RPC and SOAP) and in ‘shipping’ the NLE out to as many sites as want it.
Tony gave a talk on “Newcastle Case Study” (P9).
Martin Belcher is Project Manager for the Internet Development Group <>, Institute for Learning and Research Technology at the University of Bristol. Martin is responsible for the consultancy activities of the ILRT. These mainly take a Web-based focus and include Web site design, implementation, service specification development, usability and accessibility audits, online strategy development and various forms of Web-focused training. Recent clients include; JISC, ESRC, University of Bristol, Bank of England, the Institute of Fiscal Studies, National Maritime Museum, BMW.
Martin has been working for the University of Bristol in Internet related projects since 1994. Previous to that he studied, and sometimes practiced, in the fields of archaeology and geology.
Martin gave a talk on “Out to Tender: Commissioning A Web Site” (P10).
Alan Robiette works as Programme Director for JISC’s rapidly developing interests in authentication and security. He began his career as a physical scientist but became increasingly involved in IT planning and management, and directed IT services in a number of HEIs for a period of some 15 years before taking up his current position. He is a former member of the Computer Board and of a number of JISC committees and working groups, and was closely associated with the eLib Programme throughout much of its existence.
Alan gave a talk on “Security and Authentication Issues – Where Are We Heading?” (P11).
Workshop Facilitators
Paul Browning is Information Strategy Co-ordinator at the University of Bristol (but was an earth scientist who ran a departmental network in a former life). He is a member of the institutional Web Team and is fed up using a bucket and spade to build and maintain the University Web; he has been on the lookout for a JCB for the last 18 months.
Paul co-facilitated a session on “Content Management Systems” (A1) with Mike Lowndes.
Greg Newton-Ingham has been in the IT field since 1977. Following periods working as a systems programmer and network administrator Greg joined UEA. Greg describes himself as a ‘maverick academic’. In addition to managing EU and TLTP projects Greg has been the course director for the final year undergraduate unit on strategic information systems, MBA course organiser for information systems and until recently lectured on the final year computer science unit “Web and Network Graphics”. He is currently the project manager for the eLib phase 3 Agora hybrid library project and has been project manager for the JISC funded Networked Moving Images Pilot Project. Greg’s many hobbies include ice-cream, chocolate and the Caribbean (preferably at the same time).
Greg co-facilitated a session on “The Joined-Up Web” (A2) with Justine Kitchen and Pete Cliff.
Justine Kitchen supported the session on “The Joined-Up Web” (A2).
Pete Cliff supported the session on “The Joined-Up Web” (A2).
Mark Stiles is Co-Director of the Learning Development Centre at Staffordshire University. The Centre has the proactive role of leading the transformation of the way learning takes place at the University, which last year saw over 7,000 learners experience using one or more VLEs (Virtual Learning Environments). He is a regular conference speaker on the strategic and educational aspects of the electronic support of learning and has published a number of papers in the same field.
He is also Director of the JISC supported COSE Project which has developed the COSE VLE, and seen it published as commercial product by Longman. The Project is still further developing COSE as a product and, also using JISC funding, is working on COSE IMS standards compliance and the production of an IMS compliant content repository. He also manages the JISC/JCIEL “CO3” project which is testing the IMS (Instructional Management Systems) interoperability standards using the COSE (Staffordshire University), Colloquia (Bangor) and CoMentor (Huddersfield) systems.
Mark co-facilitated a session on “Implementing E-Learning Using A Virtual Learning Environment” (A3).
Andrew Aird, Goldsmith College.
Andrew facilitated a session on “Selling Mugs to Masters’” (B4).
Brian Kelly is UK Web Focus, a JISC-funded post based at UKOLN, University of Bath. His responsibilities include monitoring Web developments and informing the UK HE community. His dissemination activities include regular contributions to the Ariadne, Cultivate Interactive and Exploit Interactive Web magazines, presentations at conferences, workshops and seminars and organising events such as the Institutional Web Management series of workshops. Brian is also chair of the Hero Technical Advisory Group.
Brian facilitated a session on “Working With Hero” (B1).
Malcolm Raggett was a lecturer in engineering when he introduced and developed the first web-based learning in his institution. Since then he has changed role and moved institution: he is now the IT Manager at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
Malcolm facilitated a session on “Anarchy versus Control in Web Site Management” (B2)
Andy Powell is based at UKOLN and spends most of his time working as part of the Resource Discovery Network Centre, where he is currently responsible for coordinating the technical architecture of the Resource Discovery Network – see <>. He also contributes to a number of metadata-related projects at UKOLN and has been actively involved in the development of campus information services at the University of Bath for more years than he cares to remember!
Andy facilitated a session on “Automated News Feeds” (C1)
Miles Banbery has been University Web Editor at the University of Kent at Canterbury for two years having previously worked as an Information Officer for UKC’s Computing Service. His post is within the Communications & Development Office, a department with remits for public relations, internal communications, alumni relations, fund raising and development amongst other things.
Miles facilitated a session on ““Princes, Paupers and Progress” – Resourcing Your Web Site” (C2)