You’re part of the web team. You’ve done some amazing work! But management doesn’t always appreciate this – and times are hard. Will your department be restructured, you wonder. Will the team survive?
Why not create a video showing your achievements? Or design a poster? Or maybe even produce an interactive experience which highlights the work of your team? After all, you have content expertise and design and skills in your team. You know how to create engaging content!
At this year’s IWMW event we intend to host a competition which highlights the work of web teams across the sector.
And thanks to the support of our sponsors we are able to provide prizes!
If you are interesting in submitting an entry and would like to discuss your idea feel free to contact a member of the IWMW 2019 advisory group or join in the discussion on the #iwmw2019 channel of the HE Digital Slack group. Further information is available from Brian Kelly or Claire Gibbons, the IWMW 2019 co-chairs, who will provide details on how to submit entries.