The IWMW event takes place annually. But the need to explore solutions and approaches to addressing the diverse range of challenges faced by those who work in institutional web and digital teams continues throughout the year.

The experiences of 22 years of IWMW events has made it clear that a culture of sharing exists across the sector. The registration form for the IWMW 2018 event invited delegates to express their interest in regional groups, which have the potential to build on this culture of sharing – and not fewer than 86 delegates stated that they did have an interest in participating in a regional group.

Thanks to sponsorship provided by Headscape we have a small amount of funding which will be used to support the establishment or sharing of best practices for regional groups.

The £500 sponsorship will be used for up to five prizes for those who submit the best proposals for supporting regional group activities.

Please submit your proposal to by 10 September 5 October. We would expect submissions to cover:

  • The region covered by the group.
  • Contact details for the regional group lead(s).
  • Expected regional group activities.
  • Marketing for the regional group.
  • Governance issues.
  • Online tools to be used to support the regional group.
  • Expected links with future IWMW events.
  • How the prize (of ~£100) would be used.

We intend to announce the prize-winners on the IWMW blog by 10 October 2018.

Prize-winners will be expected to contribute a post to the IWMW blog about the regional group.

Note that a map showing the universities represented at IWMW 2018 is available. In addition a Google spreadsheet with details of the institutions (which delegates can choose to add their name and contact information to) is also available. We hope these two sources of information will be useful in finding those who may be interested in participating in regional groups – and even acting as a regional group champion.