The University of Dundee, like many in the sector, has been through turbulent times over the past couple of years. Massive deficits, voluntary severance packages and restructures of everything have been the order of the day for a few years now. In 2015, student numbers were down, we had no central marketing department to speak of, our IT services was in melt down, and when it came to web, we were feral in our approach. However there’s nothing like a good crisis to force change!
In his IWMW 2017 plenary talk, Andrew Millar looked at how his team used crisis to get people to think differently and start to effect change.
The video of Andrew Millar’s presentation is available on YouTube.
About: This post is one of a series of posts which have been published on the IWMW blog in order to provide access to video recordings of plenary talks and to allow comments to be made about the talks.