About The Workshop

The call for participation stated:

At the IWMW 2010 we explored the theme of The Web in Turbulent Times. Last year we described institutional approaches for Responding to Change. This year the theme for the IWMW 2012 event will be Embedding Innovation.

The theme will build on our awareness of the changes we have seen in the current turbulent times and the ways in which institutions have sought to respond to these changes. Institutions will be exploring new ways of working, which will include exploitation of new technologies, moves towards greater use of a variety of cloud services which are hosted outside the institution and an understand of the importance of mobile access to online services, as well as responding to the changing expectations of our user communities, particularly in light of changes to the ways in which universities are being funded.

Institutions will now be expected to be embedding innovative practices as a response to these various changes, which will include not only exploiting appropriate new technological developments but also implementing new working practices.

The IWMW 2012 event will provide an opportunity to hear about ways in which institutional Web management teams are responding to the challenging times we now find ourselves in.


The sponsors of the IWMW 2012 event were:

  • Jadu: sponsors of the event badges and lanyards.
  • Statistics into Decisions: co-sponsors of the event amplification.
  • TERMINALFOUR: sponsors of  a parallel session at IWMW 2012.
  • Gas Mark 8: co-sponsors of the event amplification.
  • Siteimprove

Additional Resources

The following additional resources are available:

Workshop Content

Plenary Talks

The following plenary talks were given:

  1. Data and the Web Manager
  2. Open Data Development in the City of Edinburgh Council
  3. Data Visualisation: A Taster
  4. Key Information Set Data
  5. Beyond WCAG: Experiences in Implementing BS 8878
  6. Going Online – Do Universities Really Understand the Internet?
  7. Do I Need an App for That?
  8. What Do You Really Want?
  9. Serve Two Masters: Creating Large-Scale Responsive Websites
  10. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Two Years of Running a Content Management Service
  11. Measuring Impact

Parallel Sessions

Parallel session A:

  1. Identifying and Responding to Emerging Technologies
  2. Experiences in User Centred Design at the University of Edinburgh
  3. Open, Agile Approaches to Website Development – Learning Lessons from Others
  4. The Xcri-cap Files
  5. Preparing for Mobile
  6. Building a Low Cost Mobile Web Presence

Parallel session B:

  1. I’ve Got this Idea for an App…
  2. Developing Digital Literacies and the Role of Institutional Support Services
  3. Large-Scale Responsive Websites: Tools and Techniques
  4. Big and Small Web Data
  5. Managing and Supporting a Central Content Management System (CMS) with a Devolved Web Publishing Community
  6. BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
  7. What Can schema.org Offer The Web Manager?

Parallel session C:

  1. Responding to the Cookie Monster
  2. A Collaborative Evaluation of Web Conferencing Tools
  3. Mobilising WordPress
  4. The Challenges of Delivering Content Strategy in HE
  5. Linking You
  6. Managing the Process of Providing an Inclusive Institutional Web Presence
  7. Data Visualisation Kitchen


An analysis of the evaluation forms is available. In addition a post summarising the key findings has been posted on the UK Web Focus blog. The post describes how:

There were a total of 172 participants at this year’s event and we received 64 completed evaluation forms. No fewer than 73% rated the organisation of the event as Excellent, with 41% regarding the content as excellent and 50% regarding the content as Very Good.

The post concludes by including the following comment which was made by one of the delegates in the event evaluation form:

P.S. To whom it may concern:
Please, please, please. please, please keep funding this event. It is a lifeline to HE institutions and their hard-working web-related staff. It is the only event on the calendar which really gets to the heart of the issues we are all looking at, at the time we are looking at them

Event Summary

Location: University of Edinburgh

Date: 18-20 June 2012

Length: 3 days

Cost (including 2 nights accommodation): £350

No. of plenary talks: 11

No. of plenary speakers: 14

Gender ratios: 10 M (71%) and 4 F (29%)

No. of workshop sessions: 20

No. of workshop facilitators: 23

Gender ratios: 18 M (78%) and 5 F (22%)

No. of participants: 172

Total length of sessions: (1.5+3.75)+(3.5+3.25)+3.5=15.5 hours

Delegate contact time: 15.5*172= 2,666 delegate hours

Evaluation: 4.3 out of 5 (content) and 4.7 out of 5 (organisation).

Special features: A ceilidh was held after the meal on the opening night. On the second evening a reception was held at Our Dynamic Earth.