About The Workshop

The call for submissions for the IWMW 2007 event announced:

The Institutional Web Management Workshop 2007 (IWMW) will be held at the University of York from Monday 16 – Wednesday 18 July 2007.

As participants at previous events will be aware this workshop is aimed at those involved in management of institutional Web services. The workshop aims to address a broad range of topics including strategic, managerial, resourcing and technical issues.

A key feature of the workshop is the importance placed on participative and interactive sessions, including hands-on sessions, group discussions, etc.

We are now pleased to invite proposals for speakers and workshop facilitators. Note that the format is likely to be similar to the format for last year’s workshop and will include a small number of plenary presentations, a larger number of workshop and briefing sessions, possibly complemented by with debates and panel sessions.

The range of topics which may be covered at the workshop is broad, reflecting the wide range of interests and challenges which face those involved in providing institutional Web services.

The theme for this year’s workshop is “Next Steps for the Web Management Community“. We particularly welcome submissions which reflect this theme. The Institutional Web Management Workshop has been running for over 10 years now (this is the 11th workshop) so it is now timely to both look back on the strengths of the Web management community and look forward to ways in which we can build on these strengths. In particular it may be timely to exploit the potential of social networking tools and to explore whether the ideas behind the notion of a community of practice can be applied to the Web management profession.

In addition to this specific theme, the workshop will also provide an opportunity to hear about and discuss a range of issues relevant to the provision of institutional Web services.

Advisory Group

Members of the advisory group were:

  • Marieke Guy
  • Brian Kelly
  • Keith Doyle
  • Stephen Emmott
  • Helen Sargan
  • Jeremy Speller
  • Bill Mackintosh


The event sponsors were:

  • Eduserv: Gold Academic Sponsors,  sponsored the drinks reception.
  • Interwoven: Commercial sponsors, sponsored the delegate bags.
  • Nedstat: Commercial sponsors, sponsored drinks at the workshop dinner.
  • TERMINALFOUR: Commercial sponsors, sponsored the delegate badge.
  • RedDot Solutions: Commercial sponsors, sponsored  entertainment during the workshop dinner.
  • TechDis: Academic Sponsor.

Workshop Content

Plenary Talks

The following plenary talks were given.

  1. Sustainable Communities: What does ‘Community of Practice’ mean for Institutional Web Managers?
  2. Let the Students do the Talking…
  3. Building Highly Scalable Web Applications
  4. Can Your Web site Be Your API?
  5. The Promise of Information Architecture
  6. Trends in Web Attacks
  7. Marketing Man takes off his Tie: Customers, Communities and Communication
  8. Social Participation in Student Recruitment

In addition the following panel session took place:

  1. Dealing with the Commercial World: Saviour or Satan?

Parallel Sessions

Parallel session A:

  1. Athens, Shibboleth, the UK Access Management Federation, OpenID, CardSpace and all that – single sign-on for your Web site
  2. So, What Would You Do With 45 Sixteen Year Olds?
  3. Know Me Knowing YouTube
  4. Web Usage Statistics in the University Environment
  5. Sustainable Services: Solidity based on Openness?
  6. Portable Devices for Learning: A Whistlestop Tour
  7. Usability Testing for the WWW
  8. Geolinked Institutional Web Content
  9. The Eternal Beta – Can it Work in an Institution?

Parallel session B:

  1. How Do I Implement Enterprise Information Architecture?
  2. People, Processes and Projects – How the Culture of an Organisation can Impact on Technical System Implementation
  3. Just say No to Powerpoint: Web Alternatives for Slides and Presentations
  4. Contextual Accessibility in Institutional Web Accessibility Policies
  5. Your Web Site: a Better User Experience
  6. XCRI: Syndicating the Online Prospectus
  7. Thieves in the Night: Hidden Problems in Web site Redesign
  8. Building The Web Management Community
  9. Implementing a Content Management System: Can you Avoid the Pain?

The following discussion groups also took place:

  1. A Greener Web
  2. The Web Management Community


An Ariadne article entitled “IWMW 2007: Next Steps for the Web Management Community” by Shirley Keane was published in Ariadne, issue 52 on 30 July 2007.

The article begins:

Torrential rain, thunder and lightening provided the backdrop to the Institutional Web Management Workshop, held this year at the University of York. Dramatic as they were, the conditions did not in any way dampen the enthusiasm of the delegates over the three days. The programme this year consisted of plenary sessions, discussion groups, parallel sessions and the famed social events. New this year was the IWMW Innovation Competition, where participants were invited to submit lightweight examples of innovative uses of Web technologies as well as the IWMW logo.

Event Summary

Location: University of York

Date: 16-18 July 2005

Length: 3 days

Cost (including 2 nights accommodation): £355

No. of plenary talks (including panel): 9

No. of plenary speakers: 13

Gender ratios: 11 M (85%) and 2 F (15%)

No. of workshop sessions: 18

No. of workshop facilitators: 29

Gender ratios: 25 M (86%) and 4 F (14%)

No. of participants: 186

Total length of sessions: 3.5)+(3.5+3.5)+3.75=14.25 hours

Delegate contact time: 14.25*186= 2,650.5 delegate hours

Evaluation: Ratings not available.

Special features:

IWMW 2007 participants were invited to submit examples of innovative uses of Web technologies which may be of interest to the community.

There were 16 submissions. The following submissions were voted to be the best:

The social events included a drinks reception at the National Railway Museum.