About The Workshop

The following announcement was posted to the website-info-mgt Jiscmail list on 4 June 1999:

The 3rd Institutional Web Management Workshop will take place at Goldsmiths College, University of London from 7-9 September 1999.

The Workshop will cover a range of topics of interest to members of web management teams including multimedia, dynamic content,
personalisation, web design, server management and general management issues.

The format of the Workshop will consist of a mixture of presentations, discussion groups, demonstrations and hands-on sessions. The majority of the speakers are experienced web practitioners from the higher education community, who are aware of the issues and concerns of this community.

A full and exciting social programme will give delegates a chance to make contacts and renew acquaintances as well see some of the sights of nearby Greenwich, the Millennium Dome and the Thames.

The inclusive residential package for the UK HE/FE community (including workshop fee, food accommodation and social trip) is £245. Various other pricing options are also available. For further information and to book a place at the workshop go to the URL <http://warriormac.gold.ac.uk/webconf/>.

Further announcements will be sent to the website-info-mgt Mailbase list.

An update was posted on 15 July 1999 which announced:

New to this year’s workshop is an exhibition which will include stands providers by commercial vendors and HE services and projects. The exhibition will also include a poster session provided by workshop delegates.

Workshop Sessions

The following topics were covered at the workshop.

Plenary Talks

The following plenary talks were given:

  1. Who Will Rid Me of This Troublesome Beast? by John Slater, University of Kent
  2. Building Relationships Online by Joe Passmore, University of Ulster
  3. Multimedia and the Corporate Web by Greg Newton-Ingham, UEA
  4. SMIL and the World Smiles With You by Michael Wilson, UKERNA
  5. Beyond Brochureware – Building Functional University Websites by Ian Roddis and David Christmas, Open University
  6. Browser Management by Brett Burridge
  7. Content Management by Stephen Emmott, KCL
  8. Experiences with XML: Beyond The Hype by James Currall, University of  Glasgow
  9. Web Site Security by Andrew Cormack, University of  Cardiff
  10. Indexing Your Web Server(s) by Helen (Varley) Sargan, University of Cambridge
  11. Getting Your Web Site Listed by Danny Sullivan


The following parallel workshop sessions were held. Note that these parallel sessions lasted for 3.5 hours.

  1. Design, Access, Accessibility
    Andrew Aird, Goldsmiths College London
  2. Intranets and Extranets
    James Currall, University of Cardiff
  3. Web Site Navigation
    Helen Varley Sargan
  4. Legal, Decent, Honest and True
    Colin Work, University of Southampton
  5. Whose Site Is It Anyway? The Web Editor’s Career
    Miles Banbery, University of Kent
  6. Web Tools
    Stephen Emmott (KCL), Paul Browning (University of Bristol), Brett Burridge (University of  Essex) and Dave Hartland (Netskills)
  7. Metadata – Has The Time Arrived?
    Brian Kelly, UKOLN

Exhibition and Report Back

An exhibition took place on the final morning, from 09.15-10.35. After the coffee break in a session running from 11.00-12.00  reports were given on the parallel sessions.


Brian Kelly wrote a report on the IWMW 1999 event which was published on 23 September 1999 in the Ariadne ejournal, issue 21:

This year’s event had the title “Institutional Web Management: The Next Steps” – to emphasise that it is building on the previous events. It had a similar format to last year’s workshop (presentations on the first afternoon and the morning of the second day, with parallel sessions on the second afternoon). An innovation this year was the exhibition, which featured commercial vendors, and, from the Higher Education community, national services and projects and displays and demonstrations from the delegates themselves.

This year’s event also included a popular social event – a boat trip on the River Thames to view the Millennium Dome.

The report provided a summary of the numbers of participants:

A total of 124 delegates registered for the event. The majority (almost 100) were from UK Universities and University Colleges. In addition there were ten delegates from JISC services, two from overseas universities, one commercial delegate (one of the speakers) and fourteen from other organisations.

Event Summary

Location: Goldsmiths College, London

Date: 7-9 September 1999

Length: 3 days

Cost (including 2 night accommodation): £245

No. of plenary talks: 11

No. of plenary speakers: 12

Gender ratios: 11 M (92%) and 1 F (8%)

No. of workshop sessions: 7

No. of workshop facilitators: 10

Gender ratios: 9 M (90%) and 1 F (10%)

No. of participants: 124

Total length of sessions: 4+(3.25+3.5)+2.75=11.5 hours

Delegate contact time: 11.5*124 = 1,426 delegate hours

Evaluation: 4.1 out of 5 (content) and 4.4 out of 5 (organisation)

Special features: Exhibition and boat trip