Call For Submissions
The call for submissions for talks, workshop sessions and other ideas for the IWMW 2015 event is closed.
IWMW 2015, the 19th in the series of the annual Institutional Web Management Workshops, will be held at Edge Hill University, Ormskirk during the week starting 27 July 2015.
The event has traditionally been aimed at those with responsibilities for managing, developing and supporting the use of institutional web services. However we are now seeing significant developments taking place, with institutional web services no longer simply supporting institutional business processes; rather the web is playing a significant role in facilitating the ‘digital transformations’ of such business processes. Several sessions at the IWMW 2014 event touched on such developments. Following discussions with the IWMW 2015 advisory group it was agreed that the theme for IWMW 2015 will be “Beyond Digital: Transforming the Institution“: the challenge is how we break out of a purely operational role and play a sustained, strategic role at the core of the University business.
We welcome proposals on various aspects of the ways in which institutions are responding to this rapidly changing and developing arena.
In addition to proposals on this broad theme we will still welcome proposals based on traditional areas of web management and development including but not limited to:
- Engaging with users
- Usability
- Accessibility
- Web technologies
- The mobile environment
- Supporting teaching and learning
- Supporting researchers
- Web metrics and analytics
- Web strategies
- Management issues
We welcome proposals for:
- Plenary talks, which typically last for 45 minutes
- Workshop sessions, which typically last for 90 minutes. The workshop sessions should provide an opportunity for all workshop participants to engage actively with the topics covered in the session.
- Masterclasses, which will last for 3 hours.
In addition to these areas we also invite proposals which may use other formats such as:
- Panel sessions, in which speakers address a shared topic.
- Debates, in which speakers argue for and against a motion.
Other ideas are also welcomed.
Submitting Your Proposal
If you submit a proposal please send an email message to or use the online submission form. Your submission should contain the following information:
- The proposed title of the talk or sessions.
- A brief abstract.
- For workshop sessions, a summary of how the session would be made interactive, with all participants able to contribute.
- Other relevant information which will help the IWMW 2015 organisers to decide if the proposal is relevant and appropriate for the event.
Note that the official closing date for submissions is 1 April 2015.