
Since it was launched in 1997, IWMW, the annual Institutional Web Management Workshop series, has developed into a unique forum to share best practice, hear about new developments and discuss their relevance with peers. Each year, we bring together a vibrant community of people responsible for institutional web services across the UK education sector. Through plenary sessions and practical workshops, attendees will have a chance to update their skills and develop their professional networks.

What’s New This Year?

For most of its existence the IWMW event was provided by UKOLN, a JISC-funded organisation. The event helped to support JISC’s development programmes, with many speakers describing their JISC project work. In its new guise the event is more directly related to the needs of the Web management community. The opening plenary session has the theme “Putting the Web Manager First“, with experienced web managers described the challenges they are facing an how they respond to such challenges. The themes for the plenary talks on the second day are “Supporting Our Users” and “Managing the Content; Developing the Services“. On the third day plenary talks on “Beyond the Institution” will explore the importance of Cloud services which can help to support institutional requirements. The final plenary session will provide a panel session in which experienced web managers will seek answers to the question “What Does The Future Hold?” The focus on the needs of those working in institutional Web management teams is also being addressed in the parallel sessions. In addition to the 90 minute workshop sessions a new feature this year are the “master classes”, lasting for 3 hours which provide an opportunity to hear how other Web management teams go about their activities or to hear insights provided by commercial companies.

IWMW 2015 Timetable

You can view the timetable or view the details of the workshop sessions and master classes.

Additional Information

The following posts about the IWMW 2015 event have been published on the UK Web Focus blog:

An IWMW 2015 flyer and the IWMW 2015 programme, in a format suitable for printing, are available on the Scribd service.

Note that the hashtag for the event is #IWMW15. Use of this tag is encouraged on Twitter. The IWMW15 tag should also be used for sharing photographs, videos, slide shows, etc.