Within higher education, digital is becoming ever more present – from websites and web apps to CRM systems, digital portals and social media. In the last year, St Andrews has bought in a new CRM system, launched a new digital prospectus that outlines all programmes on offer, and installed a new version of our content management system. Change isn’t just coming – change is already here.

These changes are putting a growing demand on us and our teams – from digital communications to IT Services to change management and business transformation.

In her IWMW 2017 plenary talk, Carley Hollis described the three-pronged approach they have taken at St Andrews to standardise, document and educate.



The video of Carley Hollis’s presentation is available on YouTube.

About: This post is one of a series of posts which have been published on the IWMW blog in order to provide access to video recordings of plenary talks and to allow comments to be made about the talks.